Предстоящие События
Check out our recently launched podcast posted on YouTube. During each weekly episode, DiYeena of the Pleiadian Family is interviewed by multidimensionality expert, Shylo Dawn on some of the most relevant topics on spirituality, planetary ascension, and conscious leadership in our new earth. These are fascinating channeled conversations you don't want to miss. Subscribe today so you know when the next episode goes live.
Realign with the original 13 moon cycle and learn about the energetic themes for each month. Join Ava every new moon for a New Moon Activation zoom call, she distills the subtleties within the current moon cycle topic and how to work with the frequencies that are alive right now. Click here to learn more.
Every full moon Ava co-leads a live call, which is an activation unlike anything you have experienced. Ava channels DiYeena of the Pleiadian Family, answering questions from participants during the live call. Her co-facilitator, Shylo Dawn, guides participants through a conscious astral travel. The entire event correlates with the full moon of the current cycle taught within the Pleiadian Light Ascension Yard. Click here to learn more.
Do you know you are meant to lead in some way, or area already leading, but are feeling stuck rising to meet your next level of expansion? Everyone has a growth edge, no matter what level they are at. Every month inside the GOLD level of the Pleiadian Light Ascension Yard, Ava co-leads a mastermind for rising leaders. During this training, you receive powerful activations, channeled guidance, live Q&A, and topical deep dives on The 13 Aspects of Leadership Mastery. Learn how to move through your growth edges with grace and ease inside this powerful leadership support container. Click here to learn more.
Спонсорство мероприятия
Если вы заинтересованы в том, чтобы принести с собой Ava Orah, DiYeena иЖивой Ma в ваш город и хотели бы спонсировать мероприятие, пожалуйста, заполните найденную форму запросаздесьи мы свяжемся с вами в ближайшее время.
В качестве спонсора мероприятия вы будете выступать в качестве нашего основного контактного лица для оказания помощи в организации, продвижении, настройке и разбивке мероприятия. Вы поможете обеспечить место проведения, в том числе предложите нам места для обзора и / или посетите потенциальные места по запросу / в случае необходимости. Вы также поможете распространить информацию о мероприятии. Если это похоже на то, что вас интересует, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами!
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