everyone has moments of doubt—especially when it comes to big decisions.
Going through a season of transition, growth, and transformation is challenging—even when you have the support you need. Without the right support, a big change can leave you wondering...
What if I make the wrong decision?
Can I really trust my intuition is accurate?
But what do I DO? Nothing feels clear right now.
These incessant thoughts can lead to sleepless nights feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, anxious, and confused about how (or if) to take the next step.
I don't want that for you.
Whether you're struggling personally or professionally, in a big or small way, I'm here with my galactic Pleiadian guides (The Living Ma) to help you get clarity on your next step so you can continue to give your gifts to those who need you the most.
Gift yourself a channeling session now. The world needs you at your best.

"Life's unprecedented challenges are often best met with unconventional solutions."
Entra en un mundo donde el amor se recuerda en el nivel más profundo. Explore las enseñanzas canalizadas deLa madre viviente, incluidoPleyadiana DiYeena,Magdalena, Isis y sus maestros, y muchos más. Estos seres, que hablan a través del canal de trance,ava orah, trae las enseñanzas perdidas (y los recordatorios más simples) de la Unión Divina, el poder humano de la creación, el equilibrio de las energías masculinas y femeninas, nuestra relación con la Madre Tierra, la activación y las actualizaciones del ADN, cómo acceder a nuestros poderes dormidos de la intuición, telepatía, y mucho más. Explora las canalizaciones. Expande tu conciencia. Recuerda el poder del Amor.
Access your creative power so you can manifest your most abundant life.
Prepare your body, mind, and spirit to hold higher frequencies of consciousness consistently and effortlessly.
Help anchor in the New Earth frequency onto our planet.
Activate and balance both your masculine and feminine energies so you can have healthy, loving, successful, and fulfilling relationships.
Be in right relationship with Mother Earth so you can experience the most balanced, connected, and joyful version of yourself.
Consistently experience your highest timeline available so you can live your best life.
Activate your dormant strands of DNA so you can experience your radiance and upgrade your crystalline body to its highest potential.
Access your dormant powers of intuition, including telepathy.