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Спонсорство мероприятия

Если вы заинтересованы в том, чтобы принести с собой Ava Orah, DiYeena иЖивой Ma в ваш город и хотели бы спонсировать мероприятие, пожалуйста, заполните найденную форму запросаздесьи мы свяжемся с вами в ближайшее время.

В качестве спонсора мероприятия вы будете выступать в качестве нашего основного контактного лица для оказания помощи в организации, продвижении, настройке и разбивке мероприятия. Вы поможете обеспечить место проведения, в том числе предложите нам места для обзора и / или посетите потенциальные места по запросу / в случае необходимости. Вы также поможете распространить информацию о мероприятии. Если это похоже на то, что вас интересует, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами!

Благодарим вас за интерес к размещению Ava и коллективов.

"Wow! This has been completely life-changing."

"I didn't realize how hilarious DiYeena would be."

"I came in skeptical, but was surprised how much I liked it."

"When will you be back?"



Below you will find several topic suggestions for live channeling events. We can also discuss and create a topic specific to the theme and purpose of your event.

Pleiadian Trance Channeling: Live Q&A

Get ready to experience the loving, light-hearted, and uplifting energy of the Pleiadians! This benevolent (and often humorous) group of extraterrestrials is here to help humanity through our planetary ascension process and they are ready for YOUR questions. Join us for this live Q&A trance channeling session with Ava Orah as she brings in DiYeena of the Pleiadian Family—a warmhearted, joke-cracking galactic grandmother unlike anyone you've ever met. Taking unprompted questions directly from audience members (maybe even you!), this unique and enlightening experience will raise your frequency, elevate your consciousness, and take your spiritual journey to new heights. Bring your curiosity and questions, and get ready for a lively and life-changing experience.

Pleiadian Trance Channeling: Activating Your Multidimensional Higher Self

What is your higher self? In what dimension do they exist? How do you connect with and listen to your higher self? In this live trance channeling session, Ava Orah channels DiYeena of the Pleiadian Family and will answer all these questions and more while guiding you through a process to activate your higher self within your multidimensional reality. Don't miss out—bring your curiosity and prepare to elevate your spiritual journey to new heights. Related, thoughtful, and helpful questions from the audience will also be answered with the time remaining.

Pleiadian Trance Channeling: 5D New Earth is NOW—Do You Know Your Role?

Our planet is undergoing a transition from 3D to 5D, but what does this mean for you? Discover the significance of this cosmic shift and uncover your unique part in it. Join us for an electrifying live trance channeling session as Ava Orah channels DiYeena of the Pleiadian Family. Discover the significance of this evolutionary leap from 3D to 5D and unearth the profound role you are destined to fulfill in this unprecedented shift in planetary consciousness. Prepare to engage in this riveting exploration where your burning questions will be addressed and profound insights revealed as we take live questions from the audience. Don't miss your chance to align with the cosmic forces and embrace your role in shaping the destiny of the 5D New Earth.

Pleiadian Trance Channeling: Know Thyself—A Pleiadian Perspective on Enlightenment

I AM THAT. Diving deep into the introspective path of self-realization through silence, meditation, and contemplation is an age-old, tried-and-true tactic on the path of liberation and enlightenment followed by gurus, sages, and wisdom-holders across all time. But what do the light-hearted Pleiadians have to say about enlightenment? Is there more to the story? Join the insightful conversation as we answer heartfelt questions from audience members and expand into a unique perspective on enlightenment.


Pleiadian Trance Channeling: Are You Experiencing Ascension Symptoms?

We are in a collective and planetary ascension process. Which means you are also experiencing a personal transformation. From restless nights, ringing in the ears, unexplained visions, illness, excess energy, or feeling completely drained—everyone is feeling it. In this live trance channeling session, Ava Orah channels DiYeena of the Pleiadian Family to talk about the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual side effects of personal and planetary awakening AND what to do about it. Related questions from the audience will also be answered with the time remaining.


Pleiadian Trance Channeling: Activating Your Intuitive Gifts


You ARE intuitive! What does it take to go from listening to your intuition part-time to always getting it right without hesitation or doubt? In this live trance channeling session, Ava Orah channels DiYeena of the Pleiadian Family to share the simple secrets to owning and honoring your intuition so you can make decisions and share information from a place of empowerment, certainty, and clarity. Related questions from the audience will also be answered with the time remaining.


Pleiadian Trance Channeling: The Power of Frequency

High vibes. It’s more than a hashtag or buzz word. It’s the secret sauce behind manifestation and the key ingredient in creating a life you love. Are you vibrating low, slow, and distorted? Or are you vibrating high, fast, and clear? Raise your vibration and tune into a higher frequency during this live trance channeling session with Ava Orah as you experience the power of the Pleiadian Family. Relevant and conversational questions from the audience that are applicable to the wider audience will be answered live during this uplifting trance channeling session.

Ava and the living ma are extraordinary. Humorous. Insightful. Meaningful. Impactful. Book them now. You won't regret it.

Richard C., CA - Event coordinator

If you are interested in exploring the possibility of Ava speaking at your upcoming event, please submit your request below and we will be in touch soon.

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